
Quincy Reporter

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Adams County Board Executive Committee Met October 5

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Adams County Board Executive Committee met Oct. 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

The Adams County Board Executive Committee held the regularly scheduled meeting in the ROE Conference room.

The following members were present:

R. Kent Snider

Bret Austin

Barney Bier

Mark Peter

Others present:

Gary Farha

Ryan Niekamp

Sue Hester

Georgene Zimmerman

Anthony Foster

The meeting was called to order at 5:06 p.m. by Mr. Snider

Mr. Bier made a motion to approve the September 8, 2020 meeting minutes. Mr. Peter seconded the motion. The meeting minutes were approved.

The speaker scheduled, Casey Mercurio, has been postponed to next month.

Mr. Bier stated that the County Board does not have authority to close down certain offices, such as the States Attorney, but that his recommendation is to keep the Courthouse open, and if employees want to take Election Day as a holiday they can use their own time – it will not be paid as a holiday. The board agreed to recommend this to the full County Board.

Mr. Bier also drafted changes to the County Code sections that mention RFPs. The committee agreed to increase the approval authority to $5,000. Mr. Bier will revise the draft and prepare it for the full County Board.

The committee discussed revising the County Code to restrict County Board mileage reimbursements to out of town travel only. The committee agreed to run this through Legislative committee for County Board vote prior to the new budget.

Mr. Austin made a motion to go into executive session to discuss personnel. Mr. Bier seconded the motion. The committee went into executive session.

Mr. Austin made a motion to go into regular session. Mr. Bier seconded the motion. The committee went into regular session.

Mr. Austin made a motion to increase the salary for Sue Hester, Director of Administrative Services to $68,000/year effective 12/1/2020. Mr. Bier seconded the motion. The motion carries. Mr. Bier stated that he would draft an employment contract for the Chairman and Mrs. Hester to sign. Mrs. Hester thanked the committee for considering the increase for the additional management of the IT Department.

Mr. Austin made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Peter seconded the motion. Chairman Snider adjourned the meeting at 6:05 p.m.
