Adams County Board Finance Committee met Sept. 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
The Adams County Board Finance Committee held their regular meeting in the County Board room at 507 Vermont Street, Quincy, Illinois, September 14, 2020.
The following members were present:
Bret Austin, Chairman
Taylor Rakers
Matt Obert (zoom)
David Hoskins
Bob Reich
Others present:
Bryden Cory
Sue Hester
Ryan Niekamp
Gary Farha
Anthony Foster
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Bret Austin.
Approval of Prior Minutes:
Mr. Rakers made a motion to approve the August 10, 2020 meeting minutes. Mr. Reich seconded the motion.
The minutes were approved.
The committee reviewed bills and stamped as “Checked.”
Barbara Casady with RSVP gave a presentation to the committee. She thanked the committee for the $10,000 contribution this fiscal year, and is requesting the same funding for the 2020-2021 fiscal year. She reported that the organization stayed active during COVID through Meals on Wheels, the food pantry and a new program called Friendly Caller. The County’s contribution helps the organization meet their 30% match to receive federal funding.
Jeremy Oshner with Two Rivers (TRRC) gave a presentation to the committee about the organization. Jeremy was recently promoted to director of TRRC, who supports Adams, Brown, Pike and Schuyler County. He is requesting the same amount of funding for FY 2020-2021.
a. Tax Sale Resolution Parcel Number 16-0-0551-000-00 located in the Gilmer Township.
a. Mr. Rakers made a motion to approve the resolutions. Mr. Hoskins seconded the motion. The motion carries.
b. Request to reclassify expense or revenue entry from the Adams County Health Department.
a. Mr. Hoskins made a motion to approve the request. Mr. Rakers seconded the motion. The motion carries.
a. Additional Fund Appropriation – From Bryden Cory, Treasurer – a transfer of $20,000.00 from revenue line item XXX-XXX-XXXX – Small Business Stabilization Program— for a revised budget amount of $20,000.00 and a transfer of $20,000.00 from expense line item XXX-XXX-XXXX – Small Business Stabilization Program for a revised budgeted amount of $20,000.00.
a. Mr. Reich made a motion to approve the additional fund appropriation. Mr. Rakers seconded the motion. The motion carries.
b. Transfer of Budget Appropriation – From Aaron Arnold – Juvenile Detention Center – a transfer of $56,750.00 from line item 001-001-59999 County General Administration - Contingency for a revised budgeted amount of $43,250.00 and an increase of $56,750.00 to expense account 001-321-5506 Maintenance – JDC Building for a new budget amount of $81,750.00.
a. Mr. Obert made a motion to approve the transfer. Mr. Rakers seconded the motion. The motion carries.
c. Transfer of Budget Appropriation – From Brian VonderHaar – Sheriff – a transfer of $35,000 from line item 001-001-5999 County General Administration - Contingency for a revised budgeted amount of $1,500.00 and an increase of $35,000.00 from line item 001-002-5873 sheriff Vehicles for a revised budgeted amount of $175,000.00.
a. Mr. Hoskins made a motion to approve the transfer. Mr. Rakers seconded the motion. The motion carries.
The committee discussed the first draft of the FY2020-2021 budget. The committee members need to circle back with their assigned department heads to make any final adjustments. Overall, Mr. Austin felt that the budget was in better shape than expected, especially due to COVID.
Mr. Rakers made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Hoskins seconded the motion. Mr. Austin adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m.