Payson Community Unit School District 1 Board met Jan. 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
CALL TO ORDER Jeff Hull, vice president, called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
ROLL CALL Krista Bangert, secretary, called roll with the following members present: Krista Bangert, Chanse Barker, Jeff Hull, Brian Ippensen and Shannon Triplett. Lisa Schwartz and Vinson Sill were absent.
Also present were Donna Veile, Julie Phelan and Nancy Cromie.
VISITORS Isaac Miller, Bob Venvertloh
PUBLIC Isaac Miller from Architechnics presented the board with information on the HLS locker project at the JH/HS building for the maintenance grant. Bob Venvertloh from Klingner & Associates presented the board with potential parking lot repairs at the elementary.
ATHLETIC REPORT Brian Rea submitted a report on current sports and upcoming events.
CONSENT AGENDA Triplett made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Ippensen seconded the motion. AYE: Bangert, Barker, Hull, Ippensen and Triplett NAY: None
SUPERINTENDENT Donna Veile shared legislative updates and reports from the curriculum and building committees. There was discussion on the replacement of a radar sign and the fire marshal inspection.
IASB POLICIES Ippensen made a motion to approve the first reading of IASB policies as listed on the agenda. Bangert seconded the motion. AYE: Barker, Hull, Ippensen, Triplett and Bangert NAY: None
CLOSED SESSION MINUTES Triplett made a motion to approve to keep the last six months of closed session minutes closed (January-June 2019). Ippensen seconded the motion. AYE: Hull, Ippensen, Triplett, Bangert and Barker NAY: None
HLS LOCKER PROJECT Ippensen made a motion to approve the HLS locker project at the JH/HS building for the maintenance grant. Triplett seconded the motion. AYE: Ippensen, Triplett, Bangert, Barker and Hull NAY: None
DRIVER’S ED CAR Triplett made a motion to approve the purchase of a new driver’s ed car. Barker seconded the motion. Barker seconded the motion. AYE: Triplett, Bangert, Barker, Hull and Ippensen NAY: None
NEWPORT GROUP/RESOLUTION Triplett made a motion to approve the Newport Group Agreement/Resolution. Barker seconded the motion. AYE: Bangert, Barker, Hull, Ippensen and Triplett NAY: None
ELEMENTARY PRINCIPAL REPORT Julie Phelan talked about PBIS TRIBE activities, MAP testing and shared updates on curriculum.
SECONDARY PRINCIPAL REPORT Dawn VanCamp submitted a report on MAP testing, recent student activities and athletic accomplishments.
MOVE TO CLOSED SESSION Triplett made a motion to move into closed session for the purpose of discussing the employment of personnel, student matters, superintendent contract, contract extension and other items appropriate for closed session. Hull seconded the motion. AYE: Ippensen, Triplett, Bangert, Barker, and Hull NAY: None
Entered into closed session at 8:47 p.m.
RETURN TO OPEN SESSION Bangert made a motion to return to open session. Ippensen seconded the motion. AYE: Triplett, Bangert, Barker, Hull and Ippensen NAY: None
Returned to open session 9:10 p.m.
PERSONNEL ADDENDUM Ippensen made a motion to approve the personnel addendum. Hull seconded the motion. AYE: Triplett, Bangert, Barker, Hull and Ippensen NAY: None
SUPERINTENDENT CONTRACT Ippensen made a motion to approve the superintendent contract. Barker seconded the motion. AYE: Ippensen, Triplett, Bangert, Barker and Hull NAY: None
ADJOURNMENT Bangert made a motion to adjourn. Hull seconded the motion. AYE: Bangert, Barker, Hull, Ippensen and Triplett NAY: None
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.