
Quincy Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Quincy City Council met June 3

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City of Quincy City Council met June 3.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The regular meeting of the City Council was held this day at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Kyle A. Moore presiding.

The following members were present:

Ald. Entrup, Bergman, Bauer, Finney, Ernst, Farha, Sassen, Rein, Reis, Awerkamp, Uzelac, Holtschlag. 12.

Absent: Ald. Goehl.1.

Vacancy: 5th Ward. 1.

Legal Counsel: Corporation Counsel Lonnie Dunn.

Ald. Entrup moved Alderman Goehl be excused from this meeting. Motion carried.

The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council held May 28, 2019, were approved on a motion of Ald. Ernst.

Motion carried.

The City Clerk presented and read the following:


By Mayor Kyle A. Moore making the appointment of Mark Freiburg as 5th Ward Alderman. Ald. Rein moved to table the appointment indefinitely. Motion carried.


A revocable permit application for encroachment of city right-of-way by Mary Ann Klein and Joe Messina, owners of property located at 2100 Aldo Boulevard, to place a hand rail on both sides of the courtesy sidewalk in front of their property. The Utilities and Engineering Director presents this request subject to four conditions.

Ald. Sassen moved the prayer of the petition be granted. Motion carried.

By St. Jude Run/Quincy requesting permission to hold a run on August 2nd starting at 3:00 p.m. They are requesting the west part of the parking lot at 5th & Vermont be closed from July 31st at 8:00 p.m. through August 2nd at 3:00 p.m. They also request “no parking” signs be set up on August 2nd on the south side of Maine St., 7th to 8th and 18th to 20th, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. to aid in the parking of motor homes via runner stops. The run will begin at 5th & Vermont, go south on 5th to Maine then east on Maine to 54th Street, north on 54th to Broadway continuing out on 104. A police escort will be used on the routes where runners are on the street.

Ald. Holtschlag moved the prayer of the petition be granted and the proper authorities notified. Motion carried.


The monthly reports of the City Clerk, the City Comptroller and the City Treasurer for the month of May, 2019; and the Quincy Police Department for the month of April, 2019, were ordered received and filed on a motion of Ald. Sassen. Motion carried.


Jeff Kerkhoff, 1221 Spruce, speaking on The 231st Anniversary of the Virginia Ratification Convention plus related topics. He also had a handout for the City Council.

Joseph Principe, 517 N. 27th, on disability-motivated harassment and civil rights concerns. This is in regard to lawyers employed by the City of Quincy. He asked the Council to look into this incident.


Mayor Kyle A. Moore recommending to the City Council to extend the Civil Emergency for seven days ending on June 10, 2019, at 11:59 p.m.

Ald. Farha moved the resolution be tabled indefinitely, seconded by Ald. Reis. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the Quincy Police Department has had STARCOM21 radios since 2009; and

WHEREAS, STARCOM21 is a statewide, trunked, digital voice mobile radio network designed by Motorola for the State of Illinois; and

WHEREAS, only STARCOM21 compatible radios will work on the network, and to access the network each entity must sign a contract; and

WHEREAS, in an emergency or a disaster situations STARCOM21 radios allows us to communicate with various State agencies operating in the Quincy area; and

WHEREAS, the Quincy Police Department has 39 STARCOM21 radios that cost $18 per month; and

WHEREAS, the yearly fee is $8,424.00; now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Chief of Police recommends to the Mayor and City Council that the fees be paid to STARCOM21-Motorola Solutions in the amount of $8,424.00. 

Robert A. Copley

Chief of Police

Ald. Rein moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Sassen, and on the roll call each of the 12 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent and 1 Vacancy. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the Quincy Police Department has had electronic tickets for the last two years; and

WHEREAS, electronic ticketing has enabled officers to quickly create and submit tickets electronically; and 

WHEREAS, the Quincy Police Department was impressed with digiTICKET; and

WHEREAS, digiTICKET electronic solution is only sold by Saltus Technologies making them sole source; and 

WHEREAS we are currently working to get the City Treasurer’s office connected to the digiTICKET system so that when an officer writes an NOV on digiTICKET it automatically goes to the Treasurer’s office; and

WHEREAS, Planning and Development and Central Services write citations and NOV’s for nuisance abatement and garbage violations; and

WHEREAS, we would like to get them connected to the digiTICKET system; and

WHEREAS, we currently have two handheld ticketing units and printers that we will give to Planning and Development and Central Services for their use; and

WHEREAS, we will then purchase two new units for our uses with DUI funds; and

WHEREAS, the cost of the two units is $7,823.82; now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Chief of Police recommends to the Mayor and City Council that $7,823.82 be paid to Saltus Technologies of Tulsa, OK, for two handheld ticketing units. 

Robert A. Copley

Chief of Police

Ald. Rein moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Sassen, and on the roll call each of the 12 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent and 1 Vacancy. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, an essential part of emergency services management is the efficient and accurate recording of data; and, 

WHEREAS, another essential tool for the fire service is quick and accurate data and pre-fire planning retrieval; and, 

WHEREAS, the Quincy Fire Department has utilized data management software from “Firehouse” since the mid 1990s; and,

WHEREAS, the department now utilizes Firehouse Web, Firehouse Desktop Maps, and Firehouse Inspector; and, 

WHEREAS, the cost of the annual software and licensing agreement is $4,955; and,

WHEREAS, Firehouse software is proprietary and ESO is considered to be a sole source provider; and,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Fire Aldermanic Committee and the Fire Chief recommend to the Mayor and City Council that the Fire Chief be authorized to make payment to ESO in the amount of $4,955 to renew licenses for the current fiscal year.

Joe Henning

Fire Chief

Ald. Ernst moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Bergman, and on the roll call each of the 12 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent and 1 Vacancy. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, an essential part of emergency services management is the efficient and accurate recording of data; and, 

WHEREAS, another essential tool for the fire service is quick and accurate data and pre-fire planning retrieval; and, 

WHEREAS, the Quincy Fire Department has utilized data management software from “Firehouse” since the mid 1990s; and,

WHEREAS, the department utilizes Firehouse Response and Firehouse Command; and,

WHEREAS, the cost of the annual software and licensing agreement is $3,494; and,

WHEREAS, Firehouse software is proprietary and Adashi Systems is considered to be a sole source provider for these two products; and,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Fire Aldermanic Committee and the Fire Chief recommend to the Mayor and City Council that the Fire Chief be authorized to make payment to Adashi Systems in the amount of $3,494 to renew licenses for the current fiscal year.

Joe Henning

Fire Chief

Ald. Ernst moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Bergman, and on the roll call each of the 12 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent and 1 Vacancy. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, an essential part of emergency services management is the efficient and accurate recording of data; and,

WHEREAS, another essential tools for the fire service are quality training, easy access to training; and,

WHEREAS, the Quincy Fire Department has been looking for opportunities to provide more training that would allow crews to stay in their districts; and,

WHEREAS, the FAA has encouraged the City to look at additional avenues for Aircraft Rescue Firefighting Training that is CFR139 compliant; and,

WHEREAS, Target Solutions has produced a software that provides all of these things, and more; and, 

WHEREAS, The Quincy Fire Department has sought quotes from three vendors and they were:

Target Solutions $5,735

Fire Rescue 1 Academy $3,130

Action Training $4,500

WHEREAS, Target Solutions is not the lowest priced vendor, but, it provides all of the components desired, is designed to meet ISO standards and is designed to comply with the Illinois State Fire Marshal’s firefighter certification standards; and,

WHEREAS, Target Solutions is the preferred vendor by the Quincy Fire Department; and,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Fire Aldermanic Committee and the Fire Chief recommend to the Mayor and City Council that the Fire Chief be authorized to contract with Target Solutions in the amount of $5,735 for the current fiscal year.

Joe Henning

Fire Chief

Ald. Ernst moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Bergman, and on the roll call each of the 12 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent and 1 Vacancy. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, one of the most important pieces of equipment to a firefighter is their Self-contained Breathing Apparatus “SCBA”; and,

WHEREAS, The Federal “Two-in, Two-out” law requires that a “Rapid Intervention Team” be established any time there are firefighting operations taking place in an “Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health” environment; and,

WHEREAS, one of the tools used by this team for lifesaving efforts is a rapid intervention kit (RIT); and, 

WHEREAS, RIT kits are specific to the brand of SCBA being utilized on the fireground; and,

WHEREAS, the Quincy Fire Department recently took possession of a new fleet of SCBA’s requiring acquisition of a new RIT Kit; and,

WHEREAS, the sole source vendor for this kit is Sentinel Emergency Solutions and they have provided a quote of $4,406.78 for the kit; and:

WHEREAS, the Quincy Fire Department has unspent funds remaining from the recently awarded assistance to Firefighters Grant that covers 90% of the cost of the purchase; and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Fire Aldermanic Committee and the Fire Chief recommend to theMayor and City Council that the Fire Chief be authorized to purchase one RIT kit in the amount of $4,406.78 from SentinelEmergency Solutions with the City’s portion of the purchase being $396.98

Joe Henning

Fire Chief

Ald. Ernst moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Bergman, and on the roll call each of the 12Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent and 1 Vacancy. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the Quincy Fire Department will take possession of two new E-One Typhoon pumpers at the end of June:and,

WHEREAS, the Department will then be in a position to divest itself of two 1987 Pierce Dash pumpers; and,

WHEREAS, the Fire Aldermanic Committee has met and supported the idea of donating the pumpers to other firedepartments that might have a need; and,

WHEREAS, the department has received requests from two different Missouri departments; and,

WHEREAS, the Fire Committee would like to see if there is an Illinois Department with a need prior to making thedonation to a Missouri Department; and,

WHEREAS, the City is willing to transfer its interest in each of the apparatus for consideration of One Dollar ($1.00).

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Fire Aldermanic Committee and the Fire Chief recommend to the Mayorand City Council that the Fire Chief be authorized to enter into an agreement to transfer its interest in each of the 1987Pierce Dash Pumpers to yet to be named fire departments (as determined by the Fire Chief) for consideration of One Dollar($1.00) each.

Joe Henning

Fire Chief

Ald. Ernst moved to amend the resolution to allow the Fire Chief to sell the engines for scrap price or scrap them,seconded by Ald. Bergman. Motion carried.Ald. Ernst moved for the adoption of the resolution, as amended, seconded by Ald. Bergman, and on the roll call eachof the 12 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent and 1 Vacancy. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the Information Technology Department is charged with maintaining the City of Quincy network infrastructure; and

WHEREAS, the city needs to purchase network infrastructure equipment for Quincy Police Department area in the newAdams County Detention Center; and

WHEREAS, the City will also implement a Disaster Recovery site at the new facility;

WHEREAS, the City sought out quotes from a variety of vendors for this equipment; now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Director of Information Technology and the Technology Committee recommend to the Mayor and City Council that the low quote from SHI, Somerset, NJ, in the amount of $49,700 be accepted. 

Jim Murphy 

Director of Information Technology 

Ald. Reis moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Awerkamp, and on the roll call each of the 12Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent and 1 Vacancy. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the Washington Theater is owned by the City of Quincy; and

WHEREAS, the Washington Theater Redevelopment Commission was established by the City with the responsibility of renovating the Washington Theater; and

WHEREAS, the Washington Theater Redevelopment Commission would like to conduct fundraising events in theWashington Theater; and

WHEREAS, the fundraising opportunities involve a bonded licenses vendor selling alcohol; and

WHEREAS, the Washington Theater Redevelopment Commission requests a waiver of the prohibition of the Sale ofAlcohol in Public Buildings; and

WHEREAS, the City of Quincy is a home rule unit of local government pursuant to the provisions of §6, Article VII(Local Government) of the Constitution of the State of Illinois; and


WHEREAS, an essential part of emergency services management is the efficient and accurate recording of data; and, 

WHEREAS, another essential tool for the fire service is quick and accurate data and pre-fire planning retrieval; and, 

WHEREAS, the Quincy Fire Department has utilized data management software from “Firehouse” since the mid 1990s; and,

WHEREAS, the department utilizes Firehouse Response and Firehouse Command; and,

WHEREAS, the cost of the annual software and licensing agreement is $3,494; and,

WHEREAS, Firehouse software is proprietary and Adashi Systems is considered to be a sole source provider for these two products; and,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Fire Aldermanic Committee and the Fire Chief recommend to the Mayor and City Council that the Fire Chief be authorized to make payment to Adashi Systems in the amount of $3,494 to renew licenses for the current fiscal year.

Joe Henning

Fire Chief

Ald. Ernst moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Bergman, and on the roll call each of the 12 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent and 1 Vacancy. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, an essential part of emergency services management is the efficient and accurate recording of data; and, 

WHEREAS, another essential tools for the fire service are quality training, easy access to training; and,

WHEREAS, the Quincy Fire Department has been looking for opportunities to provide more training that would allow crews to stay in their districts; and,

WHEREAS, the FAA has encouraged the City to look at additional avenues for Aircraft Rescue Firefighting Training that is CFR139 compliant; and,

WHEREAS, Target Solutions has produced a software that provides all of these things, and more; and, 

WHEREAS, The Quincy Fire Department has sought quotes from three vendors and they were:

Target Solutions $5,735

Fire Rescue 1 Academy $3,130

Action Training $4,500

WHEREAS, Target Solutions is not the lowest priced vendor, but, it provides all of the components desired, is designed to meet ISO standards and is designed to comply with the Illinois State Fire Marshal’s firefighter certification standards; and,

WHEREAS, Target Solutions is the preferred vendor by the Quincy Fire Department; and,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Fire Aldermanic Committee and the Fire Chief recommend to the Mayor and City Council that the Fire Chief be authorized to contract with Target Solutions in the amount of $5,735 for the current fiscal year.

Joe Henning

Fire Chief

Ald. Ernst moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Bergman, and on the roll call each of the 12 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent and 1 Vacancy. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, one of the most important pieces of equipment to a firefighter is their Self-contained Breathing Apparatus “SCBA”; and,

WHEREAS, The Federal “Two-in, Two-out” law requires that a “Rapid Intervention Team” be established any time there are firefighting operations taking place in an “Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health” environment; and,

WHEREAS, one of the tools used by this team for lifesaving efforts is a rapid intervention kit (RIT); and, 

WHEREAS, RIT kits are specific to the brand of SCBA being utilized on the fireground; and,

WHEREAS, the Quincy Fire Department recently took possession of a new fleet of SCBA’s requiring acquisition of a new RIT Kit; and,

WHEREAS, the sole source vendor for this kit is Sentinel Emergency Solutions and they have provided a quote of $4,406.78 for the kit; and:

WHEREAS, the Quincy Fire Department has unspent funds remaining from the recently awarded assistance to Firefighters Grant that covers 90% of the cost of the purchase; and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Fire Aldermanic Committee and the Fire Chief recommend to the Mayor and City Council that the Fire Chief be authorized to purchase one RIT kit in the amount of $4,406.78 from Sentinel Emergency Solutions with the City’s portion of the purchase being $396.98. 

Joe Henning

Fire Chief

Ald. Ernst moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Bergman, and on the roll call each of the 12Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent and 1 Vacancy. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the Quincy Fire Department will take possession of two new E-One Typhoon pumpers at the end of June:and,

WHEREAS, the Department will then be in a position to divest itself of two 1987 Pierce Dash pumpers; and,

WHEREAS, the Fire Aldermanic Committee has met and supported the idea of donating the pumpers to other fire departments that might have a need; and,

WHEREAS, the department has received requests from two different Missouri departments; and,

WHEREAS, the Fire Committee would like to see if there is an Illinois Department with a need prior to making the donation to a Missouri Department; and,

WHEREAS, the City is willing to transfer its interest in each of the apparatus for consideration of One Dollar ($1.00).

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Fire Aldermanic Committee and the Fire Chief recommend to the Mayor and City Council that the Fire Chief be authorized to enter into an agreement to transfer its interest in each of the 1987Pierce Dash Pumpers to yet to be named fire departments (as determined by the Fire Chief) for consideration of One Dollar($1.00) each. 

Joe Henning

Fire Chief

Ald. Ernst moved to amend the resolution to allow the Fire Chief to sell the engines for scrap price or scrap them,seconded by Ald. Bergman. Motion carried.

Ald. Ernst moved for the adoption of the resolution, as amended, seconded by Ald. Bergman, and on the roll call each of the 12 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent and 1 Vacancy. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the Information Technology Department is charged with maintaining the City of Quincy network infrastructure; and

WHEREAS, the city needs to purchase network infrastructure equipment for Quincy Police Department area in the newAdams County Detention Center; and

WHEREAS, the City will also implement a Disaster Recovery site at the new facility;

WHEREAS, the City sought out quotes from a variety of vendors for this equipment; now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Director of Information Technology and the Technology Committee recommend to the Mayor and City Council that the low quote from SHI, Somerset, NJ, in the amount of $49,700 be accepted. 

Jim Murphy

Director of Information Technology

Ald. Reis moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Awerkamp, and on the roll call each of the 12Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent and 1 Vacancy. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the Washington Theater is owned by the City of Quincy; and

WHEREAS, the Washington Theater Redevelopment Commission was established by the City with the responsibility of renovating the Washington Theater; and

WHEREAS, the Washington Theater Redevelopment Commission would like to conduct fundraising events in theWashington Theater; and

WHEREAS, the fundraising opportunities involve a bonded licenses vendor selling alcohol; and

WHEREAS, the Washington Theater Redevelopment Commission requests a waiver of the prohibition of the Sale ofAlcohol in Public Buildings; and

WHEREAS, the City of Quincy is a home rule unit of local government pursuant to the provisions of §6, Article VII(Local Government) of the Constitution of the State of Illinois; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to such authority and such other authority as may be established by law, this Resolution is being adopted.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF QUINCY, that Section 111.081 Sale of Alcohol in Public Buildings of the Municipal Code of Quincy be waived for the Washington TheaterAuditorium.

This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, as provided by law. Passed this 3rd day of June, 2019.

Approved this 4th day of June, 2019. 

City of Quincy, an Illinois Municipal Corporation 

By:  Kyle Moore, Its Mayor

ATTEST: Jenny Hayden, Its City Clerk

Ald. Holtschlag moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Reis, and on the roll call each of the 12 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent and 1 Vacancy. Motion carried.


Adoption of an ordinance entitled: 

An Ordinance Amending The 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Budget. (Self Insurance Fund (MICA) increased by $47,000.)

Ald. Farha moved the adoption of the ordinance, seconded by Ald. Sassen, and on a roll call each of the 12 Aldermenv oted yea, with 1 absent, and 1 vacancy.

The Chair, Mayor Kyle A. Moore, declared the motion carried and the ordinance adopted.


Second reading of an ordinance entitled: An Ordinance Amending The 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Budget. (Additional Expense for more garbage totes, $25,500.)


Ald. Farha seconded by Ald. Sassen moved the reports be received and vouchers be issued for the various amounts and on the roll call each of the 12 Aldermen voted yea with 1 absent and 1 Vacancy. Motion carried.


Written request to speak under suspended rules by C. David Nuessen on implementation of Quincy Next Strategic Plan.

Rules Suspended

Ald. Ernst moved the rules be suspended at this time to hear from the above individual. Motion carried.

C. David Nuessen, committee member, stated the city signs say a population of 41,000 with the city expanding 2.5 times which causes taxes to go up. The city has jobs and needs people to work and stay here to help with these taxes and changes. He stated that we need to make Quincy more livable in the future than we have in the past. He asked the Aldermen to think about 40 to 60 years from now and what the city would look like. He said the Quincy Next Strategic Plan has done 50 to 65 projects that are finished or in the process. Now the rubber has hit the road and Quincy Next Strategic Plan will need money to bring more of these projects to implementation whether it be the greenways or other things. They will need to come to the City Council for financing. He is asking for consideration from the City Council and what priorities are for 2040 and 2060.

Ald. Reis moved the rules be resumed. Motion carried.


Ald. Bergman read a notarized letter of resignation from Ald. Virgil Goehl, First Ward Alderman, effective immediately. 6/3/2019

Dear Mayor Moore and City council,

I, Virgil Goehl, Hereby resign from the city council effective immediately. My health is getting to bad for me to be able to continue the meetings. I want the best for my ward and myself and at this time it is not me.

Thank You,

Virgil E. Goehl

Notarized this 3rd Day of June 2019.

Ald. Entrup moved to accept Ald. Goehl’s resignation, seconded by Ald. Bergman. Motion carried.

Ald. Entrup moved to receive and file the letter of resignation. Motion carried.

Ald. Ernst moved the City Council adjourn and sit in Executive/Closed Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act 5

ILCS 120/2/(c)(1) (Personnel) and Act 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (2) Collective Negotiations, seconded by Ald. Sassen, and on a roll call each of the 12 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent and 1 vacancy. Motion carried.


After sitting in Executive/Closed Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2/(c)(1) (Personnel) Ald. Farha moved the City Council reconvene and sit in regular session at 8:18 p.m. Motion carried.

Ald. Ernst moved the City Council adjourn and sit in Executive/Closed Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (2) Collective Negotiations, seconded by Ald. Bergman, and on a voice vote each of the 12 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent and 1 vacancy. Motion carried.


After sitting in Executive/Closed Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (2) Collective Negotiations, Ald. Farha moved the City Council reconvene and sit in regular session at 8:31 p.m. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the duly authorized representatives of the City of Quincy, in good faith, have negotiated a one year collective bargaining agreement (“Agreement”) with District No. 9, I.A.M.A.W., Local Lodge 822, concerning terms and wages for the term May 1, 2019, through April 30, 2020; and,

WHEREAS, the Fire Chief and Director of Administrative Services recommend to the Mayor and Quincy City Council the adoption of this one year agreement;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Mayor and other necessary City Officials are authorized to sign the Agreement.

Joe Henning

Fire Chief

Jeff Mays

Director of Administrative Services

Ald. Ernst moved for the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Ald. Bergman, and on the roll call each of the 12 Aldermen voted yea, with 1 absent and 1 Vacancy. Motion carried.

The City Council adjourned at 8:33 p.m. on a motion of Ald. Ernst. Motion carried.




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