
Quincy Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Quincy Public School District 172 Board met February 27

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Quincy Public School District 172 Board met Feb. 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Meeting Convened

The Board of Education of School District No. 172, Adams County, Illinois, met in regular session on February 27, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. in the Board of Education Office, Room 214, 1416 Maine Street, Quincy, Illinois, in said school district.

Roll Call

The meeting was called to order by President Ali, who directed the secretary to call the roll. On the call of the roll, the following members were present and answered to their names: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup and Whitfield; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared a quorum was present.

Moment of Silence

President Ali declared a moment of silence and reflection.

Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by QHS Principal Jody Steinke.

Focus on Students – Good Things Going On!

QJHS PTA – President Kathleen Taylor reported on the PTA activities at Quincy Junior High School. The PTA provided welcome-back baskets for staff at the start of the school year. The Book Fair raised $2,000 to purchase books for classrooms and the library. Parents provided holiday desserts for staff before Christmas. Teacher Grants will again be offered with proceeds from the Shop for Schools gift cards. Another Book Fair is planned for the spring and a staff appreciation luncheon will be held in May.

GOOD NEWS ITEMS – Superintendent Webb reported several Good News items:

1. QPS will be the focus of an Illinois Stories airing on PBS Thursday, Friday and next Wednesday. It will focus on the referendum and Quincy building all new elementary schools. It is very positive coverage for the District and Quincy.

2. Lincoln-Douglas floors won a national level design competition from Armstrong Floors. Jenna Niemann from Klingner and Associates, the Lincoln-Douglas designer, won the award.

3. Two QHS seniors were named National Merit scholar finalists. Congratulations to Thatcher Crist and Kylie Peter. This places them in the 99th percentile of high school students on an academic achievement test.

4. Twenty students were named All-State Musicians. This is the second highest number of students from one district in the State of Illinois.

5. Two wrestlers qualified for state, sophomore Thomas Culp and senior Hunter Yohn. Hunter finished second in the State at his weight class.

6. QHS Pommers finished first in State competition.

7. Nine members of the QHS Math Team qualified for the State competition.

Questions and Comments

President Ali opened the meeting to questions and comments to members of the Board, by members of the public and employees of the district, in compliance with state statutes.

Jeff Kerkhoff provided copies of articles and spoke about a video on the Sunshine Movement, student indoctrination, and the social justice movement.

Consent Agenda

It was moved by Member Troup and seconded by Member Ali to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda:

a. Treasurer’s Report – January 2019

b. Minutes –January 23, 2019

c. Check Register and JH/SH Activity Fund Reports

d. Acknowledge receipt of the Freedom of Information Log: January 19 to February

22, 2019 (Information Only)

On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Reports of the Superintendent

1. 2018-2019 Amended Calendar. Superintendent Webb told the Board that the recommended 2018-2019 amended calendar has June 5 as the last day of school for students and June 6 as the last day for staff. The District used eight emergency days, but he is recommending only making up five of those that were built into the calendar. The remaining three days would be submitted to ROE and the State for approval as Act of God days. Graduation remains May 24. It was moved by Member Bailey and seconded by Member Troup to approve the 2018-2019 Amended Calendar as presented (Doc. Reg. No. 3056). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

2. 2019-2020 School Calendar. Superintendent Webb also presented the 2019-2020 school calendar. Staff will start on Wednesday, August 14 for Teacher Institute. Students attend a half day on August 15 and full day on August 16. Seven days have been added to the calendar for emergency days. There will be two full weeks for the winter holiday and one full week for spring break. President’s Day will be an attendance day. If no emergency days are used, the last day for students will be May 21.

It was moved by Member Troup and seconded by Member Bailey to approve the 2019-2020 School Calendar as presented (Doc. Reg. No. 3057). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

3. School Based Health Care. Member Troup reported on the February meeting of the Advisory Committee. A report was presented on the Resilience film screening held at JWCC which focused on how to address adverse childhood experiences in our community. An update was presented on the donation from Madison Park Christian Church which is funding part-time Family Liaisons for each school to help support student social emotional needs and address truancy issues. The committee heard from a DCFS representative on reporting students and families to DCFS. There was discussion on the lack of foster parents in our community and the need for some type of group home/emergency shelter in our area.

4. Competency-Based Education (CBE). Sheldon Bailey, Curriculum Committee Chairman, reported that the teachers who have been hired for CBE co-teacher positions have been approved by ISBE. These three teachers are working on a progressive plan to complete their professional license while teaching per the CBE requirements. They were hired in special education positions which are hard to fill. Administrators Sarah Gass, Brenda Fleer, Cindy Crow and Kim Dinkheller have completed on-line training for the CBE program and will be sharing with other staff.

Building Committee

The Building Committee report was presented by Co-Chair Troup. An update was presented on the Baldwin and Denman Elementary projects and the 10-year Health Life Safety program. Several Health Life Safety projects were recommended for approval. There was not a quorum for this meeting.

QJHS Stage Rigging/Curtain

It was moved by Member Troup and seconded by Member Ali to approve the bid from A to Z Contractors at a cost of $528,912 for QJHS stage rigging and curtain replacement (Doc. Reg. No. 3058). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

ECFC Door Replacement

It was moved by Member Troup and seconded by Member Bailey to approve the bid from Doors & More at a cost of $72,887.00 for replacement doors at ECFC (Doc. Reg. No. 3059). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Baldwin Roof Replacement

It was moved by Member Troup and seconded by Member Ali to approve the bid from D. E. Martin Roofing at a cost of $1,412,832.00 base bid and $21,160.00 alternative bid for chimney removal at Baldwin School (Doc. Reg. No. 3060). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Blue Devil Gym Railing Replacement

It was moved by Member Ali and seconded by Member Troup to approve the bid from Laverdiere Construction at a cost of $78,284.00 to replace the railing in Blue Devil Gym at Baldwin School (Doc. Reg. No. 3061). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

QJHS Locker Replacement

It was moved by Member Troup and seconded by Member Ali to approve the bid from Locker & Storage Systems, Florissant, Missouri at a cost of $69,800.00 to replace the lockers in the girls’ locker room at Quincy Junior High School (Doc. Reg. No. 3062). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Curriculum Committee

The Curriculum did not meet in February.

Finance Committee

A monthly financial update and cash summary report was presented to the Finance Committee. The District will issue approximately $6,700,000 in General Obligation School Bonds to fund Health Life Safety Projects. Chief of Business Operations Ryan Whicker told the committee that the District received an A2 bond rating from Moody’s Investors Service which is up from previous bond sales.

Policy Committee

The Policy Committee did not meet in February.

Discipline Committee

Chairperson Arns presented the Discipline Committee report. The number of days of out of school suspension (OSS) for first semester is down from last year. There were 1,032 OSS days first semester of 2017-2018 compared to 650 OSS days first semester this year. The committee also reviewed percentages of Office Discipline Referrals. A small panel of teachers will be invited to the next Discipline Committee meeting to provide their thoughts, experiences and suggestions regarding student discipline.

Human Relations Committee

The Human Relations Committee did not meet in February due to weather.

Resolution for Issue of General Obligation School Bonds

It was moved by Member Bailey and seconded by Member Troup to approve the Resolution providing for the issue of approximately $6,700,000 General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2019, for the purpose of altering and reconstructing school buildings and purchasing and installing equipment therein for fire prevention and safety, energy conservation and school security purposes, providing for the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, authorizing the deposit of said taxes levied to pay said bonds directly into a designated escrow account and authorizing the execution of a Bond Purchase Agreement with Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated, in connection with the sale of said bonds (Doc. Reg. No. 3064). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Bond

It was moved by Member Troup and seconded by Member Arns to approve Treasurer’s Bond covering the Bond Issue (Doc. Reg. No. 3067). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Annual Grants and Allocations

It was moved by Member Bailey and seconded by Member Troup to approve to write and submit/participate in the following grants or allocations: Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Title I, Title II, Title IV Part A, Title I Neglected, Title I Delinquent, Title IV Part D Enhancing Education through Technology, Title I School Improvement Grant 1003(a), Special Education IDEA Flow-Through, Special Education Preschool, Head Start, Early Childhood Block Grant, Truants’ Alternative and Optional Education Program (TAOEP), Regional Safe Schools- Subcontract, Adult Education and Family Literacy, WCR Carl Perkins, WCR Career and Technical Education Improvement Grant, QAVTC QPS Perkins Sub-Grant, QAVTC QPS CTEI Sub-Grant, 21st Century Community Learning Center, Advanced Placement, School Library Per Capita Grant, Tracy Family Foundation Grants, the Illinois Children’s Healthcare Foundation Grants, Illinois Arts Council Arts and Foreign Language Education Grant Program, Healthy Communities Investment Grant, and Community Foundation Grants, Collaboration for Health and Thriving Students Grant. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

E-Rate Proposal for Equipment and Connections K-5 Buildings/QHS

It was moved by Member Troup and seconded by Member Whitfield to approve the E-Rate Proposal for Equipment and Connections for New K-5 Buildings and QHS (Doc. Reg. No. 3065). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Policies and Procedures for Preparing and Updating Disclosures

It was moved by Member Troup and seconded by Member Bailey to approve the Policies and Procedures for Preparing and Updating Disclosures (Reg. No. 3066). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Title I School Improvement Grant 1003(a)

It was moved by Member Troup and seconded by Member Arns to approve submission of the Title I School Improvement Grant 1003(a) Works Plans for QJHS and QHS. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Title I School Improvement Grant 1003(l)

It was moved by Member Nichols and seconded by Member Troup to approve submission of the Title I School Improvement Grant 1003(l) IL-Empower Approved Learning Partner for QJHS and QHS. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Workers’ Compensation Settlement

It was moved by Member Nichols and seconded by Member Bailey to approve the Workers’ Compensation Settlement at a cost not to exceed $38,759. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Executive Session

It was moved by Member Troup and seconded by Member Ali that the Board suspend the rules and go into executive session to discuss: a) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the School District; b) collective negotiating matters between the School District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; d) the sale or lease of property owned by the District; g) student disciplinary cases; i) pending, probable, or imminent litigation; and j) attorney/client privilege. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Resumption of Rules

At 8:25 p.m., it was moved by Member Troup and seconded by Member Bailey to resume the conduct of the regular meeting under rules. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Student Discipline

It was moved by Member Troup and seconded by Member Arns to adopt the recommendation regarding pre-expulsion agreements for three QHS students. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Personnel Addendum

It was moved by Member Troup and seconded by Member Arns to approve the Revised Personnel Addendum. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Pay Increase Quincy Federation Employees

It was moved by Member Bailey and seconded by Member Troup to approve Quincy Federation Employees’ Pay Increase from 1.7% to 2.0% per Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2019-2020. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Pay Increase Non-Union Employees

It was moved by Member Troup and seconded by Member Bailey to approve a 2% increase for non-union employees for 2019-2020 as presented (Doc. Reg. No. 3063). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.


At 8:40 p.m., it was moved by Member Arns and seconded by Member Bailey that the regular meeting adjourn. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Bailey, Nichols, Troup, and Whitfield; and the following member voted Nay: None; and the following member was absent: Member McNay. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried and the regular meeting was duly adjourned.




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