Adams County Ambulance Board met September 12.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by chairman Mayfield at 4:15 pm. Those present were, Mr. Jeff Mayfield, Mr. Paul Havermale, Mr. Gary Cantrell, Mr. Joseph Fessler, Mr. Bob Reich, Mrs. Michele Flaiz, and Steve Moss (Adams County Board Member)
Absent: Mrs. Emily Hendrickson
Administrative Staff: Mr. John Simon, Mrs. Sue Hester, Mr. Alex Ussery, and Mrs. Angie Ware
Minutes: Motion to approve minutes from July 2018 meeting by Mr. Gary Cantrell, 2nd Mr. Joseph Fessler. Minutest were approved as printed.
Operation and Financial Report: Mr. Simon presented the operations and financial report for the month of August. Highlights included increasing transfers and decreasing number of declined trips. Response times have decreased slightly. Staffing continues to be a challenge with several staff still out on medical leave.
Old Business: None
New Business:
Budget - Mr. Mayfield, Mr. Havermale, and Mr. Simon discussed the budget meeting with the Finance Committee meeting held the week before. The 2019 budget was submitted to finance with ongoing discussions on personnel and ambulance replacement.
A motion to move to Executive Session by Mr. Paul Havermale, 2nd Mr. Gary Cantrell to discuss personnel at 5:10 p.m.
Motion to come out of Executive Session by Mr. Gary Cantrell 1st Mr. Fessler 2nd Mr. Bob Reich
Mr. Havermale made a motion to approve the billing manager position with the understanding of regular updates and reports of progress and deficiencies in the billing office. Seconded by Mr. Fessler. Motion was approved.
Mr. Fessler made a motion to adjourn seconded by Mr. Cantrell.
Meeting Adjoined at 5:43 p.m.