Keith Callaway, Adams County Board Member - District 1 | Adams County
Keith Callaway, Adams County Board Member - District 1 | Adams County
Adams County Board Finance Committee met Jan. 13.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Mee#ng Convened at 6:00PM.
Members Present: Travis Cooley, Tim Finlay, Brad Poulter, David McCleary, Marvin Kerkhoff Members Absent: None
Others in AGendance: Todd Eyler (State’s AGorney), Ryan Niekamp (County Clerk), Bryden Cory (Treasurer), Anthony Foster (Dir. Of Court Services), John Simon (EMS Chief), Robert Reich (County Board)
A mo#on to approve the minutes from December 9, 2024, made by Mr. Kerkhoff, and seconded by Mr. Poulter. The minutes were approved unanimously as printed.
There was no public comment.
Resolu#on Number 2025-01-001-012 – ARPA Realloca#on for the Village of Plainville’s Water Tower was discussed by Mr. Niekamp. Mr. Finlay moved to approve the resolu#on, seconded by Mr. McCleary. Mo#on was approved unanimously.
Resolu#on Number 2024-12-001-008 – OPIOD SeGlement Fund: Adams County Proba#on Department Na#onal Training was discussed by Mr. Foster. The conference would provide par#al funding to send thirteen individuals to the na#onal RISE conference. Mr. Reich stated that the OPIOD money would be to pay for the registra#on. Mr. Finlay made a mo#on to approve an amended version of the resolu#on to not to exceed $14,000, seconded by Mr. Poulter. Mo#on, with amendment was approved unanimously.
Resolu#on Number 2024-12-001-010 – OPIOD SeGlement Fund: Adams County Ambulance Department for Adams County Community Paramedicine Program. Mr. Reich provided a presenta#on on the paramedicine program. Mr. Reich stated that this program is unique and is not just a typical counselling service. Mr. Simon also spoke regarding this program. Mr. McCleary made a mo#on to approve the resolu#ons con#ngent that OPIOD or Grant monies fund the program. Seconded by Mr. Kerkhoff. The resolu#on approved unanimously.
Addi#onal Fund Appropria#on – Ryan A. Niekamp – on the behalf of the Finance CommiGee – in the Amount of $350,000 – Expense Account Number – 005-005-XXXX – APRA Interest Expense – for a Revised Budget Amount of $350,000 and $300,000 – Expense Account Number – 601-601-XXXX – Transfer to County General – for a Revised Budget Amount of $30,000 and $100,000 – Expense Account Number – 621-621-XXXX – Transfer to County General – for a Revised Budget Amount of $30,000 and $30,000 for Expense Account Number 104-104-XXXX – Transfer to County General – for a Revised Budget Amount of $80,000.
Addi#onal Fund Appropria#on – Ryan A. Niekamp – on behalf of the Finance CommiGee – in the Amount of $350,000 – Revenue Account Number – 005-005-XXXX – APRA Interest Expense – for a Revised Budget Amount of $350,000 and $300,000 – Revenue Account Number – 601-601-XXXX – Transfer to County General – for a Revised Budget Amount of $30,000 and $100,000 – Revenue Account Number – 621-621-XXXX – Transfer to County General – for a Revised Budget Amount of $30,000 and $30,000 for Revenue Account Number 104-104-XXXX – Transfer to County General – for a Revised Budget Amount of $80,000. Mo#on to amend the resolu#on for the Health Department’s piece of the appropria#on from $30,000 to $300,000. Moved by Mr. Cooley and seconded by Mr. Kerkhoff for both the expense and revenue appropria#ons. Amendment was approved unanimously. The total transfer is $830,000. Mo#on to approve the resolu#on was made by Mr. Finlay, seconded by Mr. McCleary, the mo#on was approved unanimously.
Addi#onal Fund Appropria#on – from Anthony Foster – Director of Court Services – in the Amount of $106,900 – Expense Account Number – 311-311-5423 – Client Services – for a Revised Budget Amount of $107,000 – for a Revised Budget Amount of $107,000 and $13,000 – Expense Account Number – 311-311- 5650 – Opera#on Expenses – for a Revised Budget Amount of $23,000 and $5,000 – Expense Account Number – 311-311-5775 – Training – for a Revised Budget Amount of $30,000. Mr. Foster advised that when the budget was released, he had no#ced some of the lines incorrect and cited user-error for using the new system – the appropria#ons are to correct the lines as needed and budget neutral. Mr. Finlay made a mo#on to approve, seconded by Mr. Poulter, the mo#on was approved unanimously.
Mr. Cooley talked briefly about the new budget and cited he has had many issues gegng logged into the program. He will con#nue to try to get into program. Mr. Finlay ques#oned an account line tracking to be short one-million dollars by year’s end. Mr. Aus#n stated that it’s not a sta#c monthly payment but a #med payment so it is not projected to be a million in the red by the end of the year.
Mr. Finlay asked about the union contract nego#a#onsregarding health insurance costs. Mr. Aus#n stated that it’s a very valid and good ques#on and stated that in most cases there is language inside each of the contracts that limit the amount change allowed for health insurance each year without re-opening the contract. Mr. Aus#n stated that it’s very hard to project health insurance costs. Mr. Finlay asked knowing that there is a year-over-year increase for health insurance, is that factored into the budget. Mr. Aus#n stated that the GLP prescrip#ons were all taken off the insurance plan, unless the employee goes through the provided program for the prescrip#ons.
The commiGee reviewed ARPA interest and expenses program to date. Mr. Cooley provided the insight on the amount of interest available which is what is being transferred over. Mr. Cooley stated that the county lost out on $11,466 due to not being allocated and the plan going forward is sit on it un#l the county is obligated to act on it.
Mr. Cooley spoke about the HVAC bonding. He stated that there is currently a request for proposal out for the Courthouse roof replacement and courthouse HVAC project. The total amount the county would seek is not to exceed from $10 million. Mr. Cory stated that the county would need to look at hiring outside legal counsel concerning the bonding – State’s AGorney Eyler was okay with this thought. Mr. Aus#n suggested forming a special commiGee to look at the bonding which could include other commiGee chairs. Mr. Finlay asked if the county could borrow against its own $10 million. Mr. Finlay also asked if the commiGee could look outside of just local for the sake of tax dollars. Mr. Aus#n stated that for the first piece of the ques#ons, the county would then need to borrow against future receivables along with providing interest money. The second answer to the ques#on, bonding companies provided the best rate and ajer some further nego#a#ons by having a safety stream of money, the bonds were able be reduced by another 0.05%.
Mr. Cooley reviewed the S&P Global ra#ng with the Finance CommiGee sta#ng that the credit ra#ng of the county was downgraded to an “A” ra#ng. Mr. Cory stated that the company was going to downgrade the county from two down to one as an incen#ve to do complete some of what the company suggested. Going forward, the county would need to con#nue keeping the internal transfers to keep the county general funds posi#ve.
Mr. Cooley advised that the Execu#ve CommiGee had interviewed two applicants for G. Zimmerman’s re#rement. The commiGee has interviewed a candidate that is local and has the accredita#ons required to hold the posi#on. Mr. Kerkhoff asked more about the out-of-town applicant. Mr. Cooley stated that the second candidate would be commute to our facility from her current loca#on. Mr. Kerkhoff asked if both candidates have the cer#fica#on. Mr. Cooley affirmed that they do, he also stated there was no one internal to look at for the posi#on. Mr. McCleary asked about the benefits between the two candidates. Mr. Cooley stated that only one of the applicants needed the County’s insurance.
Mr. Aus#n stated that he spoke with the Public Defender, and he has grants coming through for an addi#onal grant-funded posi#on. Mr. Cooley requested that going forward that the department head should convey their informa#on to Amy C., and then she reports it back to the commiGee and that would be easier for the Finance CommiGee. Mr. Aus#n suggest a draj agenda for the commiGees to be approved by the commiGee chairperson.
Mr. McCleary asked how long the bond will take to get approved. Mr. Aus#n stated that it would be a few months.
There being no other business, the commiGee adjourned the January 13, 2025, mee#ng at 7:15Pm.