Gary L. Farha, States Attorney | Adams County
Gary L. Farha, States Attorney | Adams County
Adams County Board Transportation, Building & Technology Committee met Oct. 15.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Meeting Convened at 6:00 PM
Members Present: Dave Bellis, Les Post, Ryan Hinkamper, Dave McCleary, Joe Zanger Others in Attendance: Jim Frankenhoff, Terry Bower, Todd Eyler, Christa Holtman and David Hochgraber. The committee reviewed, approved, and signed off on the bills.
Mr. Hinkamper made a motion to approve the minutes from September which was seconded by Mr. McCleary. The minutes were approved.
Mr. Bellis asked if there was anyone who’d like to make a public comment. There were no comments.
Jim Frankenhoff, County Engineer, reported on some finished projects. He explained other projects in the works and ones that are about to start. He talked about one road they may get calls on because they are fixing it a new way that may surprise people. He talked about a new truck they purchased. The Sheriff’s Department requested a license plate reader on the bottom road but there are some things they need to check and research before they decide. Mr. Bellis asked if we are getting a bunch of those and Mr. Frankenhoff stated that he was not sure. Mr. Hochgraber thought they were doing around 9 for the Sheriff’s Office. They are adding a lane to Wismann Lane.
David Hochgraber, Director of IT, reported that card access is 99% done. He stated there are not many cameras left to install either. He updated on IT Savvy and Dell stating they have had multiple meetings and have a quote to present. He stated the solution is what they should have had at the very beginning. He stated this will bring 10 additional servers instead of just one. The cost is $190,000 which was originally $600,000. This includes Dell to come back on site to do the full deployment and finishing the job. Mr. Bellis stated they will pay when they get done. They discussed the servers and the uses. They discussed the ideas of how this will be funded and it will be available in normal budget funds. Mr. Post asked if Dell is on a timeline if we agree to this. Mr. Hochgraber stated they are.
Terry Bower, Maintenance Supervisor, reported on the courtrooms that have been finished. The last one will be started next Monday. He stated that he will pay Extreme when they get another step done. He stated they have another meeting with the HVAC people and that is all going well.
Mr. McCleary made a motion to approve the following resolutions which was seconded by Mr. Mr. Zanger: Resolution 2024-10-501-024 appropriating $8,825.60 from the County Bridge Fund to pay for a culvert on County Bridge Fund Project #823 in Fall Creek Road District.
Resolution 2024-10-501-025 appropriating $35,866.88 from the County Bridge Fund to pay for various culverts on County Bridge Fund Project #822 on County Highway 21 (South 24th Street).
Resolution 2024-10-501-026 appropriating $33,970.60 from the County Bridge Fund to pay for a culvert and drainage structures on County Bridge Fund Project #817 on County Highway 33 (North 30th Street). The three resolutions were approved.
Bicentennial Legacy Project on South Courthouse Lawn
- They spoke about the project not being able to be built on the current wall due to instability. The project has been marked on the lawn. Mr. Bellis asked if they would fill each slab and she spokesperson stated they would, and possibly both sides. They are wanting approval by the board for the location of the monument. She explained the foundation of the monument. Mr. Bower stated that this monument should match another one that they have out there, currently.
Mr. Post made a motion to approve the following invoices which was seconded by Mr. Zanger
a. Architechnics 1
b. Architechnics 2
c. Extreme Invoice 2 of 3
d. IT Savey / Dell
Mr. moved to end the meeting, seconded.
The meeting ended at 6:57 PM
The next meeting will be Tuesday, November 12, 2024.