
Quincy Reporter

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Adams County Board met Oct. 10

Adams County Board met Oct. 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The County Board of Adams County, Illinois met at the Courthouse, Quincy, Illinois, on Tuesday, October 10th, 2023 at 7:00 P.M., pursuant to recess.

PRESENT: Kent Snider, Chairman

Ryan Niekamp, County Clerk

Chairman Snider called the meeting to order.

Mr. Mark Sorensen gave the invocation which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.

The County Clerk called the roll and the following members were present: Jon O

McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, Brad Poulter, David McCleary, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Bret Austin, Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen, Travis Cooley and Kent Snider.

Total Present: 18 Absent: 3

Absent were: Les Post, Todd Duesterhaus, Ryan Hinkamper

Chairman Snider declared a quorum present.

Officeholders, department heads, and/or their representatives also present were: E

Gary Farha- States Attorney, John Simon-EMA & Ambulance Director, Jim Frankenhoff County Engineer, Jessica Douglas- Director of 911 and Sheriff Anthony Grootens.

Mr. Zanger made a motion to suspend the rules to allow the public to speak. Mr. Austin seconded the motion.

The rules were suspended to allow the public to speak.

Request to speak:

a. Duane Venvertloh (Quincy Riverfront Development Corp)

Mr. Venvertloh spoke about the Riverfront Development Corporation board that he serves on. He stated that the riverfront master plan was approved by this board, the park board and the city council. He stated that they need the big electrical poles buried to be able to get started. A $350,000 grant will be provided but the bids have now came in a lot higher as time has passed. He stated they are asking is a similar commitment from all three boards to match that $350,000. He explained that it will put the electrical foundation in the ground so the elevation can be raised. He explained that it is not the most exciting thing to fund, but it is the foundation of this project.

Mr. Bellis spoke that he supports this as a member on the Riverfront Development Board.

Mr. Austin asked if it was $350,000 from the County, City and Park Board. Mr. Venvertloh stated that was correct. Mr. Austin asked if there was a time limit on this grant from the state. Mr. Venvertloh stated that the project has to be moving by P

spring and we have until December 31st to accept the bid. Mr. Bellis stated the contractor has extended the bid timeline. Mr. Austin stated that this would be an additional $150,000 on top of what the county already committed. Mr. Zanger asked if this is all park district ground and the answer was yes. Mr. McCleary asked why the park board hasn’t committed any money towards this. Mr. Venvertloh stated he wasn’t sure and couldn’t speak for them, but he believes they are waiting for this to be a partnership. Mr. Callaway asked who is responsible for the powerlines and asked why they aren’t stepping up. Mr. Venvertloh stated it is Ameren and they are stepping up and spending more than we are on this project. Mr. Venvertloh stated that Ameren doesn’t have to do anything but they are. Mr. Venvertloh said the bid is just going to keep rising. Mr. Cooley asked how much the master riverfront plan is an is there any private funding. Mr. Venvertloh stated this is more infrastructure and the private people are more interested in things that bring naming rights. Mrs. Fletcher asked if the city has made a commitment. Mr. Venvertloh stated that it has not been officially made. Mr. Bellis stated that they are getting ready to vote on it and some funds have been committed already. Mr. McQueen asked what the overall return on investment for the County, City and Park District. Mr. Bellis stated that it will bring tourist in and tax dollars. Mr. McQueen stated he supports improvement but this seems like an astronomical amount of money when we have so many other things that need money spent on. Mr. Snider stated that he can’t speak in favor of the project, but he is on a board that has been told that cruise lines are interested in stopping in Quincy. Mr. Austin stated that this pot of money is coming from somewhere different than the pot of money for streets.

Mr. Zanger made a motion to return to regular session.

Mr. Austin seconded the motion.

The board returned to regular session.

Mr. Zanger moved to approve the minutes of the September 12th county board meeting as printed and distributed. Mr. Bellis seconded the motion.

Motion to approve the minutes of the September 12th 2023 meeting as printed was adopted.

Transportation, Building & Technology

Committee Report (Mr. Bellis)

Bills – The committee met on Tuesday, October 10th and reviewed the bills for the Highway Department, the Maintenance Department, and the Technology Department. All the bills were in order.


Mr. Bellis reported that the parking lot project was moving along well and came in under budget.


New Business

a. Adams County Courthouse Mold Remediation Plans

Mr. Bellis stated they forwarded the air sample testing report from Jurgiel but there is nothing to vote on. He stated they are getting bids for the sub-basement and cleaning it up. He stated that there are some rooms that need the carpet replaced. The report suggested that the house plants in the building have mold. He stated the committee voted to have a no house plant policy in the courthouse Mr. Fischer asked if it’s a widespread or isolated situation. Mr. Bellis stated that every room that had house plants had mold. Mr. Fischer asked if it was all over or a few locations. Mr. Zanger stated that the report mentions the recommendations and two of them discuss house plant removals.

Mr. Bellis made a motion to have all employees move their plants from the building. Mr. McCleary seconded the motion.

Discussion: Mr. Austin stated that when they screwed the windows shut, there was not a lot of communication with employees. He stated that there are a lot of employees with concerns and anxiety over this whole situation and he asks that there is better communication with employees moving forward. He stated it is important to provide information to explain why certain decisions are being made. Mr. Bellis stated that he apologizes for the communication in the past and it will be better moving forward with memos or whatever is necessary. Mr. Zanger asked if there needs to be a timeline to state when things need to be removed. Mr. Finlay asked if we are adopting all of the recommendations for consistency or just this one. Mr. Bellis stated we could, but most of the recommendations listed were already being worked on by the county. Mr. Finlay is stating that he wants the committee to be prepared to implement all of the recommendations in the report if we were going to do the plant one. Mr. Bellis stated that we need to specify

because it says either hire a specialist for the plants or have them removed. Mrs. Fletcher stated that a couple of places in the plan say “review” and “consider” and do we need to address those. She stated that maybe we should be voting on all of the things that say “consider”. Mr. Niekamp asked for the board to recite the motion on the table. Mr. Bellis recited the motion. Mr. Austin stated that they have been consistent so far and they should be coming back to talk about specific remediations specifically. Mr. Finlay asked if there are any county-owned plans and if those are covered in the motion. Mr. Bellis stated if there is, they would remove them.

A roll call vote was taken to approve the motion. Those in favor were: Jon McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, Brad Poulter, David McCleary, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Bret Austin, Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher, Dave B ellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen, Travis Cooley and Kent Snider.

Total in favor was 18. Total absent was 3.

The motion to remove the plants from the building was approved.

The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for November 14th, 2023.

Legislative & Judicial

Committee Report (Mr. Reich)

Bills – The committee met on October 10th and reviewed bills from the Circuit Clerk, Juvenile Detention Center, Probation Department, Public Defender, State’s Attorney, and the Supervisor of Assessments. All the bills were in order.


There were no additional reports.

County Code

There were no county codes to review.


a. Resolution Number 2023-10-001-025 – Resolution to Adopt 2024 Holidays The clerk read the resolution by title only. (Attachment A-1)

Mr. Reich made a motion to approve the resolution.

Mr. Fischer seconded the motion.

Discussion: He explained that this is standard and it goes along with contracts and everything.

Resolution 2023-10-001-025 was approved.

b. Resolution Number 2023-10-001-026—Resolution to Adopt 2024 County Board Meeting Dates. (Attachment A-2)

The clerk read the resolution by title only.

Mr. Reich made a motion to approve the resolution.

Mrs. Bockhold seconded the motion.

Discussion: Mr. Reich explained that we are always the second Tuesday except for in April when all of the townships meet, so that month they will meet on Wednesday. He stated that it is a standard schedule.

Resolution 2023-10-001-026 was approved.

c. Resolution Number 2023-10-131-027 – Resolution to Adopt New Fee Schedule for the Adams County Recorder’s Office.

Mr. Reich explained that the this resolution would be tabled as they are not ready to present it.

Resolution 2023-10-131-027 was tabled.


There were no appointments.

Liquor Licenses

There were no liquor licenses to approve.

Pyrotechnic Displays

a. Pyrotechnic display for Pointe D’Vine located at 276 Highway 57 in Quincy, IL, 62305 for Saturday, November 11th, 2023 at 7:00 PM with no alternative date. (Attachment A-3)

Mr. Reich made a motion to approve the permit.

Mrs. Bockhold seconded the motion.

The pyrotechnic display was approved.

The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for November 14th, 2023.

Public Health & Safety Committee Report (Mrs. Fletcher)

Bills – The committee met on October 10th, 2023 and reviewed the bills for the Sheriff’s Office, Coroner’s Office, Emergency Management Agency and Animal Control. All the bills were in order. Reports

Mrs. Fletcher read the following department reports that were given to the committee: From John Simon, Director of Ambulance and EMA: The ambulance service is moving nicely and they have hired a couple more people with interviews expected. From Scott Graham, County Coroner: There were 75 reported deaths, 2 autopsies, 1 abandoned remain, 1 suicide and 35 cremations permits.

From Sheriff Grootens: The corrections officers voted to reject the union contract offerings and the Sheriff rejected the counterproposal. This will go back to arbitration.


There were no resolutions to approve.

The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for November 14th, 2023.

Executive Committee

Committee Report (Mr. Austin)

The committee met on October 2nd.


There were no additional reports.


There were no resolutions.

Discussion and Possible Action

a. Ratification of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the County of Adams and Adams County Sheriff’s Office Corrections

Mr. Austin made a motion to table the agreement indefinitely.

Mr. Bellis seconded the motion

Mr. Austin explained that that this was disappointing, but he believes the negotiations were fair and in good faith. He reported that they were in agreement with the union leadership bargaining unit, but the members that voted it down. He stated it could go back to arbitration and there is another grievance to handle with this unit as well.

The ratification was tabled.

b. Quincy Riverfront Electrical Line Funding Request (Attachment B-1) V

Mr. Austin made a motion to approve increasing the commitment to $350,000 contingent on the City of Quincy and The Quincy Park District both having a $350,000 commitment and County funds would not be committed without the other two entities’ commitment.

Mr. Bellis seconded the motion.

Discussion: Mr. Finlay stated asked if this vote could be moved to November to give the newer board members a chance to get caught up to speed as they were not included in the original presentations of this project. Mr. Austin stated that we would like to provide some leadership towards commitment and the meetings line up to be problematic for everyone to have a full cycle to consider this. Mr. Zanger asked if we know where the additional money would come from. Mr. Austin stated that the mold remediations are going to be far less than they thought and another

option is potentially ARPA funds because there are projects that have not been started yet. Mr. McQueen stated that this is over a million and his vote will be different tonight than it would be if they had a better understanding. Mr. Austin asked how they felt overall if everyone understands that this is the first step to the entire project. Mr. McQueen understands the concept but the problem comes Awhere this one part is astronomical and he needs to understand the whole plan before deciding on this piece.

Mr. Callaway made a motion to table the motion.

Mr. McQueen seconded the motion.

A roll call vote was taken to table the motion. Those in favor were: Jon McCoy, Tim Finlay, , Brad Poulter, David McCleary, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen, Travis Cooley and Kent Snider.

Those opposed were: Robert Reich, Brent Fischer, Bret Austin, Dave Bellis, Kent Snider

Those present were Marvin Kerkhoff.

Total in favor was 12. Total opposed was 5. Total present was 1. Total absent was 3.

The motion was tabled.

Mr. Austin stated he respects and appreciates the nature of wanting to be R

conservative and aware of taxpayer dollars. He stated he will personally distribute the link to the plan. He respectfully requested the board to review this plan before next month’s meeting to be prepared to vote.

The committee’s next meeting will be November 6th, 2023.


Committee Report (Mr. Austin)

Bills – The committee met on October 9th, 2023 and reviewed the bills. All the bills were in order.


There were no additional reports.

Resolution –

The following tax sale resolutions were read and approved together. a. Tax Sale Resolution Number 09-23-001 for Parcel Identification Number 23-1957 located in the Quincy Township (Attachment C-1)

b. Tax Sale Resolution Number 10-23-001 for Parcel Identification Number 23-2- 0147-000-00 located in the Quincy Township (Attachment C-2)

The clerk read the resolutions by title only.

Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the resolutions.

Mr. Cooley seconded the motion.

A roll call vote was taken to approve the tax sale resolutions. Those in favor were: Jon McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, Brad Poulter, David McCleary, Theresa

Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Bret Austin, Keith Callaway, Mark A

Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen, Travis Cooley and Kent Snider.

Total in favor was 18. Total opposed was 0. Total absent was 3.

The Tax Sale Resolutions were approved.

c. Reclassification of funds – From Jerrod Welch, Health Department and Finance Committee- $50,000 from Account Number 001-0001-4670 Tax- Personal Property Replacement, and add $50,000 to Account Number 601-001-4670 Tax Personal Property Replacement. (Attachment C-3)

Mr. Austin made a motion to approve the reclassification.

Mr. Cooley seconded the motion.

Mr. Austin explained the reclassification.

A roll call vote was taken to approve the reclassification. Those in favor were: Jon McCoy, Tim Finlay, Robert Reich, Brad Poulter, David McCleary, Theresa Bockhold, Joe Zanger, Brent Fischer, Bret Austin, Keith Callaway, Mark Sorensen, Barbara Fletcher, Dave Bellis, Marvin Kerkhoff, Mark Dietrich, Steve McQueen, Travis Cooley and Kent Snider.

Total in favor was 18. Total opposed was 0. Total absent was 3.

The reclassification was approved.


a. Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget Update

Mr. Austin stated that the committee, more specifically himself, is a few days behind. He stated they will have the draft budget ready to be distributed and published. He stated it will be a very close budget, but there could be changes based on discussions had between now and then. He stated we will need to make some decisions on some of the department budgets, but some of the capital budgets need a close look at. He stated we will be having the largest increase of EAV in over 30 years. He stated that asking for 5% more than actual money than the year’s past, we have to do Truth in Taxation. He stated they are working on the details of that hearing. He stated they hope to be under the 5%, but they need to be prepared for either way.

b. Approval of Strong Communities Program, Round 2 (SCP) for the amount of $162,000

Mr. Austin made a motion to approve.

Mr. Callaway seconded the motion.

Mr. Austin stated this is the second round of the grant from Illinois Housing and goes to acquisition and demolition of derelict properties in the County.

The motion was approved.

The committee’s next meeting will be November 13th, 2023.

Unfinished Business

There was no unfinished business to discuss.

New Business

Approval of Board Member Travel Vouchers There were no travel vouchers to approve.

Monthly Reports

Supervisor of Assessments/Board of Review, Juvenile Detention Center, the County Clerk & Recorder’s office, the Public Defender, the Circuit Clerk, Information Technology, and Probation Department, Monthly check register for September 2023, and Funds Summary report for September 2023 including revenue and expenses. (Attachment D-2)

Mr. Zanger made a motion to receive and file the monthly reports with the appropriate committee.

Mr. McCleary seconded the motion.

Motion to receive and file the monthly reports with the appropriate committee adopted.


a. Tim Finlay – OPIOD Committee

Mr. Bellis made a motion to accept the resignation.

Mr. McCleary seconded the motion.

The resignation was accepted.


There were no appointments.


a. Illinois Extension October 2023 Annual County Board Report

The report was provided to the board members. (Attachment D-3)


a. Proclamation Number 2023-001-002: Proclamation to Proclaim November 13th, 2023 through November 19th, 2023 as National Apprenticeship Week in Adams County, Illinois.

The clerk read the proclamation.

Mr. Snider encouraged everyone to support the United Way donation campaign.


There were no correspondence.

The October 10th, 2023 meeting was recessed until Tuesday, November 14th, 2023.



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