
Quincy Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Community Consolidated School District 181 Board of Education met Feb. 13

Community Consolidated School District 181 Board of Education met Feb. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order

The Regular Business meeting of the Board of Education of Community Consolidated School District 181, DuPage and Cook Counties, Illinois, was called to order by Board President, Michael Martin, at 6:00 pm on February 13, 2023, at Hinsdale Middle School, 100 S. Garfield Ave., Hinsdale, IL.

Roll Call

Jean Duggan, Recording Secretary, took roll call. Board members present were: William Cotter, Margaret Kleber, Grace Shin, Michael Martin, and Sheetal Rao. Absent: Asim Aleem and Sinead Duffy. Also present, Dr. Hector Garcia, Superintendent.

Pledge of Allegiance

Michael Martin led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Board of Education Celebrations

The Board of Education honored the following staff members who won the Illinois State Board of Education Those Who Excel Awards:

● HMS Staff Member: Leah Thulin

● HMS Staff Member: Michelle McGrath

● Prospect PTO Member: Bridget DeMartino

They Board also honored D181 Spelling Bee Champions:

● Co-Champion - Srinidhi Rao

● Co-Champion - Advaith Balakrishnan

● Finalist: Albert Li

Executive Session

Michael Martin made a motion to adjourn into Executive Session at 6:01 p.m. to discuss personnel, negotiations, and review of closed session minutes. Sinead Duffy seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye”: Margaret Kleber, Grace Shin, Michael Martin, Sheetal Rao, Sinead Duffy, and Asim Aleem. “Nay:” None. Absent: William Cotter. The motion carried.

Call to Order

Jean Duggan, Recording Secretary took roll call at 7:10 p.m. Board members present were: Margaret Kleber, Michael Martin, Grace Shin, Sheetal Rao, Sinead Duffy, and Asim Aleem. Absent: William Cotter. Also present, Dr. Hector Garcia, Superintendent.

Public Comment,

Elissa Trainor, Hinsdale Resident, addressed the Board regarding the Kindergarten Update.

Action Items

Kindergarten Update

Dr. Hector Garcia, the Superintendent, provided an update on the current kindergarten programming in District 181. He said that at January 23, 2023, Board of Education meeting, the Board discussed the scope and performance of the D181 Kindergarten program, the impetus for reviewing the topic of full-day kindergarten, and the next steps

The following pathways were presented:

Path A - Revisit the topic at a later date

● Periodic review of full-day kindergarten

● This option appeared to receive very little support

Path - B

Path - C

Ad hoc Committee


Recent research

Complete review


Kindergarten Program


Review multiple options

A single option

Community survey

Review options and establish timeline

Abbreviated timeline

Facilities impact assessment

Detailed financial impact assessment

Financial overview


Review various facilities options

A single option

BoE Decision

December 2023

April 2023

Pending BoE decision

Completion window

July-August 2025

July-August 2024


Dr. Garcia focused on highlighting the specific aspects of Path B and Path C. He also discussed the three survey companies that are being considered, as well as the leading firm. He shared information on what neighboring schools have done when discussing the possibility of implementing a full-day kindergarten program

Mr. Martin said he favored forming an ad hoc committee to study all the options thoroughly.

Per a question, Dr. Garcia confirmed that a committee would be able to review all types of options available. He also said the committee would be a Superintendent Committee, not a Board of Education Committee.

Grace Shin made a motion to approve the Kindergarten Path B Selection. Margaret Kleber seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Sheetal Rao, Margaret Kleber, Asim Aleem, Sinead Duffy, Michael Martin, and Grace Shin. “Nay:” None. Absent: William Cotter. The motion carried.

Early Entrance Criteria

Dr. Tracey Miller, Director of Assessment, Instruction, and Evaluation, presented the Early Entrance Criteria for the 2023-2024 school year. She presented procedures and criteria for early entrance to kindergarten and first grade, as well as K-5 acceleration in reading and K-2 acceleration in math.

Dr. Miller shared that in 2019, the Department of Learning recommended changes to District Policy 7:50, as well as the creation of Policy 6:135 to meet the state requirements for early entrance and acceleration opportunities for students.

In March 2021, the MAP scores were updated to reflect NWEA’s release of 2020 norms. She explained that MAP scores continue to equate to the same percentile rank, the 99th percentile for the subsequent grade. This equivalency is noted on the criteria to provide transparency and consistency with the District’s other placement documentation. There were no other changes to the criteria or procedures.

District 181 – Board of Education February 13, 2023

Dr. Miller suggested that this topic should not be revisited each year unless there are changes to the criteria or procedure.

Board members requested that the Board be informed and not necessarily bring it to the Board for approval. Dr. Miller said she could provide the Board with the information at the end of the summer.

Grace Shin made a motion to approve the Early Entrance Criteria as presented. Sinead Duffy seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Michael Martin, Sheetal Rao, Grace Shin, Margaret Kleber, Asim Aleem, and Sinead Duffy. “Nay:” None. Absent: William Cotter. The motion carried.

A resolution providing for the abatement of certain taxes levied by the District for the year 2022 with respect to certain outstanding bonds of Community Consolidated School District Number 181, DuPage and Cook Counties, Illinois, and for the deposit of certain funds of the District into the respective bond fund of the District for such bonds to be abated

Rick Engstrom, Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations, presented the Resolution to abate a portion of the 2022 Tax Levy, Bond and Interest Fund (Debt Service Fund), based on the recommendation of $5,900,000 for approval. He noted that the purpose of the proposed abatements is to reduce the debt service portion of the community’s tax bills until the annual debt service

Sinead Duffy made a motion to approve the resolution providing for the abatement of certain taxes levied by the District for the year 2022 with respect to certain outstanding bonds of Community Consolidated School District Number 181, DuPage and Cook Counties, Illinois, and for the deposit of certain funds of the District into the respective bond fund of the District for such bonds to be abated as presented. Asim Aleem seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Michael Martin, Sheetal Rao, Grace Shin, Margaret Kleber, Asim Aleem, and Sinead Duffy. “Nay:” None. Absent: William Cotter. The motion carried.

Informational Items

Staffing Report

Dr. Gina Herrmann, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, presented the preliminary staffing projections for the 2023-24 school year. She said she has met with the principals and District administrators to identify the 2022-23 school year staffing needs.

The projected total FTE for 2022-23 is 551.75, with a total student population of 3600. She noted the continued reduction in enrollment and removal of the pandemic response positions resulted in an overall projected reduction of 6.28 FTE. She also said there is a contingency of 2.0 teacher FTE and a 1.0 Instructional Assistant FTE contingency. Lastly, she highlighted that the staffing projections only reflect the current programs.

Resource Recommendation Elementary Music

Dr. Kathleen Robinson, Assistant Superintendent of Learning, presented an update on the elementary music pilot and recommended purchasing Quaver Music for a fall 2023 implementation. Dr. Robinson noted that she would ask the Board for formal approval in March following a public display period of 30 days.

Dr. Robinson shared that all elementary music teachers used Quaver and provided feedback on the resource using an evaluation rubric. The pilot began in the fall of 2022 in all seven elementary school buildings. Teachers had full access to all Quaver Music resources.

She said Quaver music is taught in over 18,000 schools worldwide, with nearly four million students engaged in music education. The resource offers various animated songs following Kodaly, Orff, and M.L.T. pedagogies with interactive scores, videos on musical elements, instruments, historical eras, musical styles, and more. Also included are Quaver musicals, Choral resources, highly engaging recorder and ukulele lessons, assessment quizzes, and musical games.

Dr. Robinson also added that Quaver Music supports distant teaching and learning by providing all of the functionality required, including messaging. A searchable library with customization features allows teachers to modify the existing curriculum, create their own resources, and import resources from the internet.

Highlights of the Program:

● Complete instructional platform for K-5 (progression of skills)

● Aligns to National and State Standards

● Interactive song resource library with a large and diverse song selection

● Connects music with real-life skills

● Allows flexibility in instructional decisions through customizable assignments, teaching resources, and assessments

● Differentiation opportunities to meet the needs of all student levels

● Collaboration through shared resources for a guaranteed and viable curriculum

● Responsive to cultural diversity and equitable representation of musicians and song choices in the Making Music Worldwide library

● Implementation support and professional learning opportunities included

The cost of the resource for one year is $12,600. A 5-year purchase would include a discount and cost $57,330.

Mr. Martin asked that Dr. Robinson provide the Board with some historical perspective about the cost of the recommendation.

Middle School Language Arts Pilot Update

Dr. Kathleen Robinson, Assistant Superintendent of Learning, shared an overview of the middle school reading digital platform resource pilot that has taken place during the 2022-23 school year.

Dr. Robinson noted that instruction in the ELA/A-ELA classes at both middle schools encompasses reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary instruction. The ELA SAC and the Department of Learning determined the department's needs and decided that they will not be piloting a comprehensive core resource but will be piloting supplementation resources to support grammar and writing.

Grammar Pilot - ELA/A-ELA

● All 6th-8th grade ELA students have print copies of Grammar for Writing by Sadlier - Digital Access is also available

○ The purpose of this resource is to develop grammar skills in the context of writing. 

○ The resource will assist in teaching the conventions of standard English and takes students through the complete writing process as they write arguments, informative/explanatory texts, and narratives

● All 6th-8th grade A-ELA students have print copies of The Magic Lens by Michael Clay Thompson

○ The purpose of this resource is to develop grammar skills through a four-level sentence analysis.

○ This resource not only contains a comprehensive look at grammar; it delves deeply into common grammar errors and usage problems and includes detailed explanations about how grammar affects punctuation

Grammar Pilot - Update

● Magic Lens pilot was successful with positive feedback from the Advanced English Language Arts teachers

● The District stopped piloting the Grammar for Writing resource based on teacher and student feedback

○ Grammar skills/standards are addressed with explicit instruction

○ No creative or engaging practice tasks

○ Lacks adequate resources for practice and application

Dr. Robinson said that many ELA and ALEA teachers currently use the free version of NoRedInk for supplemental grammar and writing instruction. NoRedInk simplifies the process of building strong writers and critical thinkers. The online writing resource facilitates effective instruction by helping teachers engage students through modeling, scaffolding, practice, and feedback.

Next Steps:

● Expand the MS ELA A-ELA pilot, including NoRedInk

● Train ELA SAC members on the premium version

● Utilize resources in ELA and A-ELA SAC classrooms during February-April

● Collect Teacher/Student feedback

● Make a formal recommendation in May for Magic Lens and possibly the premium version of NoRedInk Dr. Rao thanked the Department of Learning for their efforts to make the D181 students’ better writers.

FOIA Update

The District received four FOIA requests and completed the requests since the last FOIA update at January 23, 2023, Board of Education meeting.

Consent Agenda


Approval of Minutes

The Board was asked to approve the following minutes:

Monthly Financial Report

The Board was asked to approve the January 2023, Monthly Financial Reports.

Resolution of Hinsdale Community Consolidated School District 181 authorizing and approving the execution and delivery of a master lease-purchase agreement and approving the execution and delivery of schedule No. 5 to the master lease-purchase agreement.

The Board was asked to approve the Resolution of Hinsdale Community Consolidated School District 181 authorizing and approving the execution and delivery of a master lease-purchase agreement and approving the execution and delivery of schedule No. 5 to the master lease-purchase agreement.

Resolution of Hinsdale Community Consolidated School District 181 authorizing and approving the execution and delivery of a master lease-purchase agreement and approving the execution and delivery of schedule No. 6 to the master lease-purchase agreement.

The Board was asked to approve the Resolution of Hinsdale Community Consolidated School District 181 authorizing and approving the execution and delivery of a master lease-purchase agreement and approving the execution and delivery of schedule No. 6 to the master lease-purchase agreement.

Digital Learning Device Refresh - Chromebooks

The Board was asked to approve the administration’s recommendation to purchase Chromebooks from CDWG for the upcoming school year. The purchase price for the FY23 Chromebooks will be $253,295.78. Once approved, the technology department will work to procure and provision the equipment for the upcoming school year.

Multi-Year Contract with Skyward

The Board was asked to approve the Multiyear Contract with Skyward. It is an extension of the original agreement signed with Skyward and locks in a discounted rate for three more years.

Recommendation of Awarding Contracts for Summer Capital Projects / Other Projects The Board was asked to approve the awarding of contracts for the summer 2023 capital projects and other projects.

The following architect projects:

● CHMS - Walk-in cooler

● Elm School - MRC and surrounding classrooms remodel

● Monroe and The Lane - Door and hardware security upgrade

● Oak School - Rehabilitate 2005 roof

Total: $1,971,830

In-House Projects:

● The Lane - floor replacement and moisture mitigation

● Madison - Playground replacement

● Monroe - MRC remodel

● Elm - MRC remodel

● The Lane - Playground replacement

Total: $1,330,000

Grand Total: $3,301,830

Committee Reports

Finance and Facilities Committee

● The Finance and Facilities Committee met on Tuesday, February 7, 2023. The topics for discussion were as follows:

○ Monthly Financials

○ Abatement Resolution

○ Abatement Amount

○ Recommendation of Awarding Contracts for Summer Capital Projects

Academic Success Committee

● The Academic Success Committee met on Thursday, February 9, 2023. The topics for discussion were as follows:

○ Early Entrance Criteria

○ Elementary Music Resource Recommendation

○ Middle School Language Arts Pilot Update

○ District-Level Committee Updates

Gifts and Contributions

The Board was asked to accept the following gifts and contributions with gratitude: 

1. Donor Name: Hinsdale Middle School PTO

Donation: Assessment Privacy Screens

Beneficiary: Math Department

Value: $323.88

2. Donor Name: Cordogan's Pianoland

Donation: 7'4" Yamaha C7 Semi-Concert Grand Piano (1969)

Beneficiary: Hinsdale Middle School Choral Program

Value: $10,000.00

3. Donor Name: Safwan Halabi

Donation: Viola, Bow, and Case

Beneficiary: Hinsdale Middle School Orchestra Department

Value: $350.00

4. Donor Name: D181 Foundation

District 181 – Board of Education February 13, 2023

Donation: Purchase of Bowling Materials for Physical Education

Beneficiary: Elementary School P.E. Students

Value: $1,800.00

Payment of Bills and Reimbursements

Bills and Reimbursements were presented in the amount of $697,540.27.

Michael Martin made a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Sinead Duffy seconded the motion. On roll call, the following members voted “Aye:” Margaret Kleber, Grace Shin, Michael Martin, Asim Aleem, Sinead Duffy, and Sheetal Rao. “Nay:” None. Absent: William Cotter. None. The motion carried.


Michael Martin made a motion to adjourn at 8:47 p.m. Michael Martin seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion carried.



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