John Wood Community College Board of Trustees Finance & Audit Committee met Aug. 30.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Finance and Audit Committee met at 2:00 p.m. at John Wood Community College. Present were Randy Greenwell and Don Hess; trustees, Michael Elbe; president, John Reinhardt; director of fiscal services, and Jenny Venvertloh; note taker. Also present were Josh Faivre and Mario Cortes Sandoval, auditors with Wipfli.
The committee met with the auditors. The auditors are in the process of doing their field work. They do not have to test financial aid due to the HERFF funding. They will be testing TRIO as that is tested every three years. Lost revenue is a big part of their process this year. They explained that a lot of work was done ahead of time before arriving to campus. Three-fourths of the testing is done and will review all information.
Mr. Faivre also offered that their firm can meet with management to see how they can assist with any issues as their firm has many services they can offer.
Mr. Elbe, Mr. Reinhardt, and Ms. Venvertloh left the meeting so that the auditors could meet with the Finance and Audit Committee Board members.