
Quincy Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Adams County School District No. 172 Board of Education met June 22

Adams County School District No. 172 Board of Education met June 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Meeting Convened

The Board of Education of School District No. 172, Adams County, Illinois, met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. in the Board of Education Office, Room 214, 1416 Maine Street, Quincy, Illinois, in said school district.

Roll Call

The meeting was called to order by President Ali, who directed the secretary to call the roll. On the call of the roll, the following members were present and answered to their names: Members Ali, Arns, Brock, McNay, Nichols, Petty, and Whitfield; and the following member was absent: None. Whereupon the President declared a quorum was present.

Moment of Silence

President Ali declared a moment of silence and reflection.

Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Superintendent Webb.

Open Public Hearing

President Ali opened the public hearing on the 2021-2022 Amended District Budget, 2021-2022 Amended West Central Regional Joint Agreement Budget, 2021-2022 Amended Quincy Area Vocational Technical Center Budget, and 2021-2022 Amended Special Education Budget. There were no comments at this time, but the hearing remained open for comments until closed later in the meeting.

Questions and Comments

President Ali opening the meeting to questions and comments of members of the Board, by members of the public.

Superintendent Webb Retirement

The Board recognized Superintendent Webb, who attended his final Board meeting before he retires June 30 and Member Arns presented him with his retirement plaque. Superintendent Webb served QSD 172 for seven years.

QPS Teacher Gabrielle Esselman shared the story of Mr. Webb being involved in a zoom presentation and a student was mispronouncing her name. Superintendent Webb corrected them and explained that a person’s name is important. Ms. Esselman stated that made an impact on her and her students.

Dennis Williams from Teen Reach presented Mr. Webb with a Bella Ease hoody and reminded him to remember what he did for the kids that many do not care about.

State Representative Randy Frese bestowed a plaque from the 101st General Assembly recognizing Superintendent Webb for seven years of exemplary service.

Victor Jarvis, QPS student, expressed that Mr. Webb was the best superintendent I have ever had.

Hal Oakley compared Mr. Webb to John Wayne’s Rooster Cogburn because of his true grit and stated, “Our community is a better place because of you.”

Mark McDowell, QND principal, talked about the Mr. Webb’s incredible leadership and the historical impact of the passing of $89 million bond for our community.

Tim Koontz--parent, building committee member, volunteer, and former chair of QPS Foundation, recognized Mr. Webb for “bleeding blue more than anyone we’ve ever known” and stated his legacy will be the example of what true leadership is.

Ashley Kim, a 2022 QHS graduate, expressed gratitude to Mr. Webb for making the tough calls about masking, curriculum, and policies; his dignity in sticking up for what was right, and his genuine care for all students and staff.

Senator Jill Tracy thanked Mr. Webb for his leadership and shared that she could always call him, and he was always available. She said the school system is better because of his service.

Board Member Richard McNay said Superintendent Webb is a great human being and he was honored to serve with him.

Board Member Carol Nichols presented Webb with a collage of dogwood flowers to represent Quincy along with photos of family, staff, and board members.

Board Member Shelley Arns shared that she was on the committee that vetted candidates for the superintendent and said it didn’t take much to realize Mr. Webb stood out among the rest because of his heart and the positivity that he exudes.

Chief of Business Operations Ryan Whicker and Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Kim Dinkheller presented Webb the flag that flew over the building and expressed appreciation for his guidance and service.

Board President Sayeed Ali conveyed that Superintendent Webb is the undisputed greatest superintendent of all time and feels that he made him a better person and a better leader. Ali shared his story of losing the first Blue Devil coin presented by Mr. Webb and how he took a knife to his sofa to find it. The coin was returned to Mr. Webb in recognition and honor of his service to Quincy Public Schools.

Consent Agenda

It was moved by Member Whitfield and seconded by Member McNay to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda:

a. Treasurer’s Report May 2022

b. Minutes – May 18, 2022

c. Check Register and JH/SH Activity Fund Reports

d. Statement of Agreement with Quanada (Doc. Reg. No. 3745)

e. Hazardous Busing Resolution (Doc. Reg. No. 3746)

f. Physician Indemnification Letter (Doc. Reg. No. 3747)

g. 2022-2023 School Board Meeting Resolution – calendar (Doc. Reg. No. 3748)

h. Acknowledge receipt of the Freedom of Information Log: May 14 through June 18, 2022 (Information Only)

On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Brock, McNay, Petty, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Reports of the Superintendent

The Board, Superintendent Webb, and Dr. Pettit honored four long-time district leaders who are leaving the district or retiring—The Academy Director Lori Miles, Transportation Director Shane Barnes, Rooney Principal Melanie Schrand, and Quincy Junior High Principal Dan Sparrow.

New QJHS Principal. Quincy Junior High Assistant Principal Brenda Fleer was recommended as the new principal at Quincy Junior High.

Building Committee

The Building Committee did not meet in June.

District Improvement Committee

New Course Proposal-QHS/QAVTC EMT Course. It was recommended by the District Improvement Committee and moved by Member Arns to approve the QHS/QAVTC EMT Course (Doc. Reg. No. 3749). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Brock, McNay, Nichols, Petty, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Kindergarten Report Card Pilot. Chairperson Arns shared that the process for the kindergarten report card revision which consists of a three-term reporting period. The kindergarten team will pilot the report card for the 22-23 school year in hopes to adopt the report card for the 23-24 school year. It was recommended by the District Improvement Committee and moved by Member Arns to approve the Kindergarten Report Card Pilot for 2022-2023. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Brock, McNay, Nichols, Petty, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee did not meet in June.

Human Relations Committee

Chairperson Nichols shared that the Human Relations Committee has accomplished numerous goals set in place to help with recruitment, hiring, staff recognition, and new hire incentives. They have also helped with implementation of the Before and After School Program for K-5 elementary families. The Committee along with Personnel Director Lisa Otten recommended the Human Relations Committee be dissolved.

Policy Committee

The Policy Committee did not meet in June.

Close Public Hearing

President Ali asked if there were any questions regarding the 2021-2022 Amended District Budget, 2021-2022 Amended West Central Regional Joint Agreement Budget, 2021-2022 Amended Quincy Area Vocational Technical Center Budget, and 2021-2022 Amended Special Education Budget. Hearing no further questions or comments, President Ali closed the public hearing.

Amended 2021-2022 Quincy School District Budget

It was moved by Member McNay and seconded by Member Arns to approve the Amended 2021- 2022 Quincy School District Budget (Doc. Reg. No. 3750). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Brock, McNay, Nichols, Petty, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Amended 2021-2022 West Central Region Budget

It was moved by Member Arns and seconded by Member McNay to approve the Amended 2021- 2022 West Central Region Budget (Doc. Reg. No. 3751). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Brock, McNay, Nichols, Petty, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Amended 2021-2022 QAVTC Budget

It was moved by Member McNay and seconded by Member Brock to approve the Amended 2021- 2022 Quincy Area Vocational Technical Center Budget (Doc. Reg. No. 3752). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Brock, McNay, Nichols, Petty, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Amended 2021-2022 Special Education Association Budget

It was moved by Member Petty and seconded by Member Nichols to approve the Amended 2021- 2022 Special Education Association Budget (Doc. Reg. No. 3753). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Brock, McNay, Nichols, Petty, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Resolution on Tentative 2022-2023 QAVTC Budget

It was moved by Member McNay and seconded by Member Nichols to approve the Resolution on Presentation of Tentative 2022-2023 Quincy Area Vocational Technical Center Budget and set hearing date as August 17, 2022 (Doc. Reg. No. 3754). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Brock, McNay, Nichols, Petty, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Resolution on Tentative 2022-2023 West Central Region Budget

It was moved by Member Arns and seconded by Member Ali to approve the Resolution on Presentation of Tentative 2022-2023 West Central Region Budget and set hearing date as August 17, 2022 (Doc. Reg. No. 3755). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Brock, McNay, Nichols, Petty, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Resolution on Tentative 2022-2023 Special Education Association Budget

It was moved by Member McNay and seconded by Member Petty to approve the Resolution on Presentation of Tentative 2022-2023 Special Education Association Budget and set hearing date as August 17, 2022 (Doc. Reg. No. 3756). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Brock, McNay, Nichols, Petty, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

IBEW#34 Contract July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2025

It was moved by Member Petty and seconded by Member Arns to approve the IBEW#34 Contract for July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2025 as presented (Doc. Reg. No. 3757). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Brock, McNay, Nichols, Petty, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

SEIU Local #73 Contract July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2025

It was moved by Member McNay and seconded by Member Nichols to approve the SEIU Local #73 Contract for July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2025 as presented (Doc. Reg. No. 3758). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Brock, McNay, Nichols, Petty, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

2022-2023 School Handbooks

It was moved by Member Petty and seconded by Member Nichols to approve the ECFC, K-5, QJHS, QHS and The Academy School handbooks as presented. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Brock, McNay, Nichols, Petty, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Purchase of 1600 N 43rd, Quincy, Adams County, Illinois

It was moved by Member Ali and seconded by Member McNay to approve the purchase of 1600 N 43rd, Quincy, Adams County, Illinois at a cost of $2 million (Doc. Reg. No. 3759). On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Brock, McNay, Nichols, Petty,

and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Executive Session

At 7:18 p.m., it was moved by Member McNay and seconded by Member Petty that the Board suspend the rules and go into executive session to discuss: a) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the School District; b) collective negotiating matters between the School District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; c) the sale or lease of property owned by the District; f) emergency security procedures; g)student disciplinary cases; i) pending, probable, or imminent litigation; j) attorney/client privilege or other matters appropriate for a closed meeting pursuant to the Open Meetings Act. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Brock, McNay, Nichols, Petty, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Resumption of Rules

At 8:22 p.m., it was moved by Member Ali and seconded by Member Petty to resume the conduct of the regular meeting under rules. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Brock, McNay, Nichols, Petty, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Student Discipline

It was moved by Member Petty and seconded by Member Ali to adopt the recommendation made in executive session regarding the pre-expulsion agreements for two QJHS students and one QHS student and the expulsion for one QJHS student. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Brock, McNay, Nichols, Petty, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.

Personnel Addendum

It was moved by Member Petty and seconded by Member Brock to approve the Revised Personnel Addendum. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Brock, McNay, Nichols, Petty, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.


At 8:24 p.m., it was moved by Member Whitfield and seconded by Member McNay that the regular meeting adjourn. On the call of the roll, the following members voted Aye: Members Ali, Arns, Brock, McNay, Nichols, Petty, and Whitfield; and the following members voted Nay: None. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried and the regular meeting was duly adjourned.




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