Liberty Community Unit School District #2 Board of Education Met Jan. 20.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The regular meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. Members present: Barry, Clark, Mixer, Poulter, Schmidt, and Voga. Absent: Krutmeier. 6 present 1 absent. Also present: Kelle Bunch, Justin Edgar, Jody Obert (Virtual), Michael Smith, Rochelle Luaders (Virtual), and Johnnie Baucom.
Motion by Clark, seconded by Poulter that the board of education approve the Routine Consent Agenda. Roll Call Vote: Aye: Barry, Clark, Mixer, Poulter, Schmidt, and Voga. 6 ayes 0 nays. M.C.
Motion by Poulter, seconded by Voga that the board of education approve the consent agenda. Roll Call Vote: Aye: Barry, Clark, Mixer, Poulter, Schmidt, and Voga. 6 ayes O nays. M.C.
Motion by Clark, seconded by Voga that the board of education approve the purchase of a Pre-K awning door. Roll Call Vote: Aye: Barry, Clark, Mixer, Poulter, Schmidt, and Voga. 6 ayes O nays. M.C.
Motion by Poulter, seconded by Clark that the board of education approve the personnel report, as attached. Roll Call Vote: Aye: Barry, Clark, Mixer, Poulter, Schmidt, and Voga. 6 ayes O nays. M.C.
Motion by Clark, seconded by Mixer that the board of education adjourn. Time: 8:06 p.m. Roll Call Vote: Aye: Barry, Clark, Mixer, Poulter, Schmidt, and Voga. 6 ayes O nays. M.C.